Our second album "GESTALT" was released in October at the KMEX studio. It was incredible to look back to the videos we have recorded, the lightshow, visuals, the atmosphere!

Currently I am working on a full length movie of the performance of this show. The album is accompanied by visuals -a collage of found and self shot footage - and a video/light plan -designed and live controlled by Nolan- in the the installat
ion KMEX.

====NEW STUFF!!===

And also, we have new stuff coming up! Griffin will play on a Simmons 80s electronic drumkit, and  I have circuit bent some keyboards and an old organ the Bontempi HF201.  See the live section for upcoming shows.

Hope you like to listen to one of our LPs or check the video collages of the songs! We' re on Spotify too. I hope you will listen to it in the car, or in the train.

- Dion